Next Level Success in the New Year

SK Dail
3 min readJan 13, 2020

Tips on personal standards.

Photo by timJ on Unsplash

What are standards?

Tony Robbins talks alot about raising standards. He believes that if you raise your standards you can create a better life, reach goals, build better connections and take your business to the next level. That sounds awesome, right?

I have set some pretty serious goals for myself this year and I pay close attention to ideas that can help me get where I want to go. I’ve been thinking alot about standards but what exactly are they?

For corporations or brands, standards are guidelines that are set for the company to follow. They are rules that create safety, protection and trust. These values are crucial today. Companies need public trust and they need internal trust. By creating strong standards for all to follow within the corporation, a sense of certainty and pride is built and flows outside the company. This is a very important reason why long standing companies remain relevant and competitive.

There are standards for all kinds of businesses, governments, systems such as health and legal, the study of science and engineering and the list goes on.

The internet defines a standard as a level of quality or attainment.

Webster’s definition of standard (there are many) but the one that qualifies here is : an accepted measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value:criterion.

Standard is also a slang term for “of course, goes without saying”.

Understanding Personal Standards

With all of that in mind it would seem that standards are very important. Let’s explore personal standards. Personal standards are the values that we use to guide the decision making process to create habits and behaviors in our lives. To evaluate my standards I would need to study my own habits and behaviors. Then I would study the standards of another person that has achieved a success level that I want.

What if that person’s standards are beyond my own means? What if that person has years of experience and education on me? What if that person has more money and more time? What if that person’s networking system and capabilities are unreachable? What if it’s just to stinking hard?

The “what if’s” in this scenario could go on forever. That is so self defeating. Is there another answer? Yes!!

How to Create Standards

Do you make your bed in the morning? Do you brush your teeth before you go to bed?

I know what you’re thinking. What does making the bed or brushing teeth have to do with reaching goals or finding success in 2020?

Making the bed is a trivial, who cares, domestic chore. However, if this act is something that you demand yourself to do every morning ,no matter what, you’re building a mental muscle called will power. If you add other small activities such as brushing your teeth before bed, putting dishes away as soon as the dishwasher is finished, making Saturday wash the car day and any other task you can think of this mental muscle will grow.

Soon you will find that you are carving out time and demanding other important actions from yourself that will help you reach the next rung on your success ladder.

I really believe the small details build who we want to be and what we want to accomplish. I believe that the quality of our relationships, occupations, environments are a direct reflection of our standards.

I make my bed every morning, I tell my kids I love them everyday and I make certain there is a smile on my face for anyone who might need it. Details. Actions. Standards. Next level success.

Here’s to blue skies and clear roads -S.K. Dail



SK Dail

I'm just a girl with a laptop on a mission. If writing these words can somehow lighten your load, make you smile, or discover a better way my job is done.